Index of /ubuntu/pool/main/a/

Index of /ubuntu/pool/main/a/

a11y-profile-manager/                              11-Jul-2020 01:22       -
a52dec/                                            26-Oct-2011 17:24       -
aalib/                                             06-Apr-2024 22:16       -
abi-compliance-checker/                            22-Jan-2018 21:47       -
abseil/                                            04-Sep-2024 10:31       -
account-plugins/                                   22-Jun-2018 18:43       -
accounts-qml-module/                               22-Jan-2018 12:24       -
accountsservice/                                   12-Aug-2024 21:04       -
acct/                                              08-Apr-2024 20:36       -
acl/                                               16-Oct-2024 12:41       -
acpi-support/                                      24-Jul-2022 07:13       -
acpica-unix/                                       22-Jan-2018 12:24       -
acpid/                                             10-Apr-2024 10:32       -
activity-log-manager/                              22-Jun-2018 18:43       -
adcli/                                             13-Apr-2024 10:20       -
adduser/                                           26-Aug-2024 21:23       -
adium-theme-ubuntu/                                22-Jun-2018 18:43       -
adns/                                              01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
adsys/                                             29-Oct-2024 16:17       -
advancecomp/                                       08-Apr-2024 20:36       -
adwaita-icon-theme/                                31-Oct-2024 20:46       -
aide/                                              16-May-2024 21:46       -
aiksaurus/                                         01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
aisleriot/                                         19-Mar-2024 22:17       -
ajaxterm/                                          26-Apr-2015 15:42       -
alabaster/                                         05-Jun-2024 03:18       -
alembic/                                           31-Oct-2024 20:46       -
alien/                                             22-Jan-2018 12:24       -
alsa-driver/                                       23-Feb-2021 21:47       -
alsa-lib/                                          28-Jun-2024 10:16       -
alsa-plugins/                                      24-Jul-2022 07:13       -
alsa-topology-conf/                                31-May-2024 09:55       -
alsa-ucm-conf/                                     31-Oct-2024 10:41       -
alsa-utils/                                        24-May-2024 04:34       -
amavisd-new/                                       15-Aug-2024 03:08       -
amd64-microcode/                                   22-Oct-2024 10:26       -
amtk/                                              23-Jul-2022 11:34       -
anacron/                                           19-Jul-2024 00:43       -
analog/                                            01-Nov-2016 04:49       -
android-headers/                                   22-Jan-2018 12:24       -
android-tools/                                     11-Jul-2020 01:22       -
angular.js/                                        02-Dec-2019 02:53       -
anna/                                              23-Jul-2022 11:34       -
anope/                                             08-Jun-2024 10:23       -
ant/                                               24-Jul-2018 20:38       -
ant-contrib/                                       30-Jul-2015 15:04       -
anthy/                                             20-Nov-2017 01:38       -
antlr/                                             22-Jun-2018 18:43       -
aodh/                                              04-Oct-2024 16:36       -
aoetools/                                          01-Nov-2016 16:56       -
aom/                                               31-Oct-2024 22:57       -
apache-log4j1.2/                                   22-Jan-2018 12:23       -
apache-pom/                                        18-May-2012 15:41       -
apache2/                                           16-Oct-2024 15:59       -
apertium-es-ca/                                    01-Nov-2016 16:56       -
apg/                                               06-Nov-2024 17:22       -
apmd/                                              01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
app-install-data-partner/                          24-Jul-2022 07:13       -
app-install-data-ubuntu/                           19-Jan-2018 12:58       -
apparmor/                                          08-Oct-2024 22:21       -
apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/                          11-Jul-2020 01:22       -
appconfig/                                         26-Oct-2023 19:15       -
appdirs/                                           13-Jul-2023 21:14       -
appmenu-qt/                                        03-Dec-2015 17:00       -
appmenu-qt5/                                       23-Jan-2018 12:48       -
apport/                                            25-Oct-2024 11:56       -
apport-symptoms/                                   12-Apr-2024 17:28       -
appstream/                                         09-May-2024 08:39       -
appstream-glib/                                    26-Jun-2023 13:53       -
apr/                                               28-Sep-2024 04:15       -
apr-util/                                          28-Aug-2024 22:23       -
apt/                                               31-Oct-2024 22:55       -
apt-clone/                                         23-Jul-2022 11:34       -
apt-listchanges/                                   31-Oct-2024 20:46       -
apt-setup/                                         14-Jul-2020 18:14       -
apt-xapian-index/                                  22-Jan-2018 12:23       -
aptdaemon/                                         27-Sep-2024 16:30       -
aptitude/                                          13-Jul-2020 12:21       -
apturl/                                            24-Jul-2022 07:13       -
argon2/                                            19-Apr-2024 16:21       -
arm64-cross-toolchain-base/                        19-Jan-2018 12:58       -
armel-cross-toolchain-base/                        19-Jan-2018 12:58       -
armhf-cross-toolchain-base/                        19-Jan-2018 12:58       -
asciidoc/                                          01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
asm/                                               01-Nov-2016 11:45       -
asm2/                                              01-Nov-2016 11:45       -
asm3/                                              01-Nov-2016 11:45       -
asn1crypto/                                        11-Jul-2020 09:47       -
aspell/                                            16-Apr-2024 22:25       -
aspell-am/                                         31-Oct-2016 21:59       -
aspell-ar/                                         31-Oct-2016 21:59       -
aspell-br/                                         19-Mar-2008 23:46       -
aspell-cy/                                         19-Mar-2008 23:46       -
aspell-el/                                         19-Mar-2008 23:46       -
aspell-en/                                         02-May-2023 04:59       -
aspell-fa/                                         31-Oct-2016 21:59       -
aspell-fr/                                         31-Oct-2016 16:16       -
aspell-ga/                                         19-Mar-2008 23:46       -
aspell-gu/                                         30-Apr-2015 16:51       -
aspell-he/                                         15-Feb-2016 21:45       -
aspell-hi/                                         30-Apr-2015 16:51       -
aspell-hr/                                         21-Nov-2006 16:08       -
aspell-hu/                                         14-Feb-2008 19:33       -
aspell-hy/                                         31-Oct-2016 21:59       -
aspell-is/                                         19-Mar-2008 23:46       -
aspell-ku/                                         31-Oct-2016 16:57       -
aspell-ml/                                         30-Apr-2015 16:51       -
aspell-mr/                                         30-Apr-2015 16:51       -
aspell-sl/                                         19-Mar-2008 22:06       -
aspell-tl/                                         01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
astroid/                                           23-Jul-2022 11:34       -
at/                                                23-Dec-2021 06:28       -
at-spi2-atk/                                       26-Sep-2022 22:02       -
at-spi2-core/                                      18-Sep-2024 10:35       -
atk1.0/                                            27-Sep-2022 22:03       -
atkmm1.6/                                          08-Apr-2024 22:25       -
atomix/                                            01-Nov-2016 04:49       -
attica/                                            19-Jan-2018 12:58       -
attr/                                              31-Oct-2024 22:55       -
auctex/                                            30-Dec-2020 03:04       -
audiofile/                                         25-Oct-2018 22:20       -
audit/                                             16-Oct-2024 15:59       -
augeas/                                            13-Oct-2021 18:24       -
auth-client-config/                                01-Nov-2016 04:49       -
authbind/                                          10-Jul-2024 22:54       -
autoconf/                                          21-Aug-2024 22:20       -
autoconf-archive/                                  22-Jan-2018 21:47       -
autoconf2.13/                                      22-Jan-2018 12:23       -
autoconf2.59/                                      01-Jan-2013 09:03       -
autoconf2.64/                                      02-Nov-2016 10:54       -
autodep8/                                          17-Aug-2024 22:18       -
autofs/                                            23-Aug-2024 04:17       -
autogen/                                           11-Jul-2020 01:22       -
automake/                                          30-Apr-2015 16:51       -
automake-1.14/                                     22-Jan-2018 12:23       -
automake-1.15/                                     11-Jul-2020 01:22       -
automake-1.16/                                     02-Feb-2024 02:51       -
automake1.10/                                      01-Nov-2016 04:49       -
automake1.11/                                      01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
automake1.9/                                       01-Nov-2016 04:49       -
automat/                                           31-Oct-2024 20:46       -
automoc/                                           01-Nov-2016 11:47       -
autopkgtest/                                       19-Oct-2024 22:04       -
autotools-dev/                                     24-Jul-2022 07:13       -
avahi/                                             12-Aug-2024 21:04       -
avalon-framework/                                  01-Nov-2016 16:53       -
awstats/                                           12-Jan-2024 16:42       -
axis/                                              01-Nov-2016 11:44       -
axis2c/                                            01-Nov-2016 11:45       -
ayatana-ido/                                       06-Nov-2024 01:03       -
ayatana-indicator-messages/                        06-Apr-2024 17:18       -